20 Nov 2008

13th November

In the morning Natalia gave me to Ania. Ania said that she loves to take care of others and she’ll be a very responsible person today. And so she was. At school I sat at her desk and during breaks we walked through the corridors with her friends. After school we took the bus home. Ania showed me her house , her bedroom and later we went for a walk. She showed me her village – Naszacowice. We went by the river Słomka and to the church . She showed me trees and interesting houses. Later we went to her cousin Dawid and played with him. When it was dark we came back home, we ate slice of bread with nutella and got down to study. After that we watched TV for half an hour. Then we cleaned ourselves and put on pyjamas . Mine was orange and Ania’s was pink. I think that Ania was really very responsible.

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