23 Jun 2008

15th June

After Ondra gave myself to Kryštof, we had lunch. We had baked pasta, yummy! In the afternoon we played a computer game Meteor with Kryštof till half past four. Then we asked Kryštof´s mum if we could sleep downstairs. She agreed so we slept there after our dinner and shower.

On Sunday at 1 pm I set off on the "school in nature" with my classmates and teachers. We went by bus to Pec pod Sněžkou - it´s a little town in the Giant mountains. We came in the hotel at 3pm and there we unpacked our luggages.
For dinner we had risotto mixed with ketchup. Miss teacher matched for me and Eliška won. Such a luck. Later our teacher told us what we were going to do the whole week. Then we went for a walk. Eliška picked few ferns and near the hotel our teacher gave us a mission - to pick a fern to get a sticker. Eliška got her first. When we returned, we went to the playground. There we played and four kids had an accident. Later we went to the hotel. When we were in our room, Terka went to have her shower first, we went after her. Later we cleaned our teeth and lay in our beds. Eliška read and then we slept. Sleep nice. Your Beatrice.

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