23 Jun 2008

16th June

At breakfast our teacher matched for me and Vilík won. After our breakfast we went to play Jack and then we cleaned our teeth. Later we played a board game "Human, don´t be angry" but we didn´t finish it because we had snack. We should have a mission - to be silent a whole day - but we got a different one. Our mission was not to be crude. Then we went to the gym and played games. Later we had a shower and I wrote into my Diary. After that we had our lunch and then we went to Míša. Vilík and Vašek swimmed and I slept. When they came back we went to Míša again. Later we played games in the gym again and then went to dine. After dinner we went out (it stopped to rain) to play a game. Vojta won and we went to the hotel again, our teacher announced a winner and we went to shower. Then we went to sleep. Till tomorrow.

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