4 Dec 2008

28 th November

Today I met my new friend Angelika.First lesson was Maths. During previous lesson children wrote tests, so teacher gave them back and they talked about it and corrected mistakes. Next was English and children learnt to write wh-questions in different tenses. Next was Polish and Angie taught me how to write in Polish. I wrote numbers 1-5 and the word KODEKS. Next was another Polish. We read different texts and children did a lot of writing. We took an oath to be good robbers , take from the rich and gave to the poor. (children read a text about Robin Hood). During the break we ran to the school canteen for lunch. It was krupnik (vegetable soup with barley). We also got chocolate bar and apple. During fifth lesson there was Religion. We prayed at the beginning and then teacher put me into the green basket between two lambs. I sat there and watched children. After school I went with Angela to Agnieszka to find some information on coral-reef. Later we went with Klaudia and Agnieszka to do some shopping. Later we went to Klaudia’s to make poster for Science. It took a long time. We also watched “Scary movie” on computer. It was really scary. I was very scared but Angie held me and I was OK. We finished at twenty past four. We got dressed and went outside to wait for Natalia’s mother to drive us home. It was cold so we kept close together and we were warmer. We got home about quarter past six. Angie introduced me to her family: mum Danuta, dad Augustyn and brothers Dawid and Patryk. For dinner we had krupnik again. For main course we could choose noodles with cottage cheese or fish, so we chose fish. After dinner we changed clothes and I took a little nap because I was tired. I woke up about 7 o’clock. I sat on a chair with Angie and we watched TV. At half past eight we took a bath and then we went to bed. We watched “ Stars dancing on ice” on TV and at nine o’clock we fell asleep.

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